Dental Care How To’s

Dental care isn’t just about visiting your dentist for your regular cleaning. It’s what you do in between times–and in between your teeth! (Little dentist joke there!) As you might guess, we are very strong advocates of regular oral care, and love to teach people–both young and old–how to take better care of their teeth. Did you know that oral care affects your heart health? Plus, when you take care of your teeth, you have greater confidence to smile, making the people around you happier too. Read on for everything you might want to know about our best dental care and oral hygiene tips.

Tips for Managing Toothache

Do You Need Help Managing Toothache? It's something you might have had the misfortune of experiencing before: You're eating something hot or cold and you notice your teeth feeling more sensitive than usual. Or maybe, perhaps, there's a dull ache that just doesn’t seem to go away when you're chewing. Both of these unpleasant symptoms are the result of a toothache, which develops when the nerve in the root of a tooth is irritated. Unfortunately, toothaches aren't exactly a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence. According to The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 92 percent of adults aged 20-64 have experienced tooth decay—the [...]

How does pregnancy affect your oral health?

Pregnancy presents a unique set of challenges affecting oral health. If you are considering getting pregnant, we highly recommend seeing your dentist for a teeth cleaning and exam in advance. However, if you are already pregnant, the second trimester is the best time to receive routine dental care, but you should wait until after the baby is born to have any major procedures or oral surgeries. It is important to take good care of your teeth and gums while pregnant as the hormonal changes increase the risk of developing gum disease due to the body’s response to plaque. Pregnancy does [...]

Which Cleans Better: A Manual or Electric Toothbrush?

If you’re in the market for a new toothbrush you may be asking yourself if it’s better to stick with an old-fashioned manual toothbrush or if it’s time to upgrade to an electric one. The American Dental Association states that you can effectively clean your teeth with either, so long as you are using the correct technique. This means the decision really comes down to personal preference. Before deciding between an electric or manual toothbrush, here are some things to consider: Electric toothbrushes can be easier for people who have arthritis or other difficulties moving the brush across their teeth. [...]

Freshen Up Your Breath!

Let’s face it; no one wants to be around someone with bad breath! Yet, according to the American Dental Association, 50 to 65 percent of people suffer from halitosis. Of course, having good oral hygiene habits is the best way to keep your mouth clean and your breath fresh, but when we’re eating, drinking and talking during the day we might need a little refresher. Here are our tips to keeping your breath fresh throughout the day: Brush twice a day – Basic dental hygiene is the best way to keep your mouth clean and fresh! Floss every day – [...]

CareCredit – Another Way to Get the Care You Need at Artistic Dental

At Artistic Dental we want you to be able to receive the care you need, when you need it. Dental issues can arise, and if they’re not treated they can become a more serious and costly problem. To help alleviate the stress of paying for dental treatments, we offer a variety options for you to cover the costs of care; one of these options is CareCredit. If you do not have dental insurance or a treatment you need or want is not covered under your plan it does not mean you must forgo treatment. CareCredit is a credit card that [...]

What You Need to Know About Gum Disease

Have you ever wondered why dentists are so keen on brushing and flossing twice each day? The answer is to get rid of plaque. Plaque is a sticky, colorless substance that is continually growing on and surrounding your teeth.  If not removed, the bacteria in plaque will start to infect the teeth, gums, and eventually the gum tissue and bone supporting the teeth. When it comes to your oral health, the best cure is prevention, so it’s important to understand the risks and symptoms. While the main cause of gum disease is plaque, there are some other risk factors that affect [...]

New Year, New Smile

For most people, the start of a new year is a time to reflect on the past and make resolutions for a brighter future. Many of us make plans to be healthier or look better; by focusing on your oral health you can do both. Improving your smile and dental hygiene can add years to your life and give you a confidence boost that will aide you in all of your resolutions! Here are some tips to get you started: Banish plaque – Plaque is the sticky substance that builds up on your teeth and causes all kinds of oral [...]

Effects of Sugary Soda on Teeth

Have you ever stopped to study the label of a soda bottle to find out how much sugar the product contains? In reality, most people don’t. The scary thing is that sugar is not only contributing to cavities; according to a 2009 medical study the consumption of sugary sweetened soda may be the single largest driver of the obesity epidemic. Artistic Dental's objective is to educate our patients so that they have the knowledge to make better choices that positively impacts their oral and overall health. Cavities are caused by plaque; a sticky substance on the teeth that is formed [...]

The Perils of Plaque

What is Plaque When food and saliva combine in the mouth they create a soft deposit called plaque, a sticky, colorless film that is constantly coating the teeth. Plaque contains millions of bacteria, and when you consume foods and drinks that have sugars and starches the bacteria uses it to create acids that attack the enamel surrounding the teeth. Because plaque is so sticky, these acids can stay on the teeth for long periods of time if you do not floss and brush frequently. Over time, allowing plaque to build up on the teeth can lead to tooth decay [...]

Artistic Dental Beams into the 21st Century with the Latest Laser Technology

We’ve all heard how laser technology can reverse the signs of aging and erase fine lines and wrinkles, right? Now there is a laser that completely changes how dentists can treat cavities; enter Solea from Convergent Dental. Artistic Dental is proud to announce that we are the first in Phoenix to have the new technology, and more importantly it is needle and drill-free. The tool allows us to perform routine procedures for filling cavities and shaving teeth to be fitted for crowns. Convergent Dental states that Solea was designed to mimic the look and feel of the drill while eliminating [...]

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