Pregnancy presents a unique set of challenges affecting oral health. If you are considering getting pregnant, we highly recommend seeing your dentist for a teeth cleaning and exam in advance. However, if you are already pregnant, the second trimester is the best time to receive routine dental care, but you should wait until after the baby is born to have any major procedures or oral surgeries.
It is important to take good care of your teeth and gums while pregnant as the hormonal changes increase the risk of developing gum disease due to the body’s response to plaque. Pregnancy does not automatically damage your teeth; that is an old wives tale, but there are some common causes of dental health issues that frequently occur during pregnancy:

Practicing good oral hygiene habits is extremely important during pregnancy.

  • Continue to brush twice daily and floss
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Try drinking water infused with fruits, like lemon and strawberry instead of drinking sugary sodas
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C and B12 and increase your calcium intake.

Calcium lowers your risk of osteoporosis and also promotes strong teeth during pregnancy. If you are suffering from morning sickness you may want to carry a toothbrush in your purse as you will need to brush more often to avoid a greater build-up of plaque, but don’t brush immediately. If brushing causes morning sickness, rinse with anti-plaque and fluoride mouthwashes. Also, pay close attention to your gum line and keep it clean.

If you experience a dental emergency during pregnancy consult your dentist and physician to determine the best approach for treatment. Artistic Dental is committed to helping you keep your beautiful smile so you can share it with your baby.