Dental care isn’t just about visiting your dentist for your regular cleaning. It’s what you do in between times–and in between your teeth! (Little dentist joke there!) As you might guess, we are very strong advocates of regular oral care, and love to teach people–both young and old–how to take better care of their teeth. Did you know that oral care affects your heart health? Plus, when you take care of your teeth, you have greater confidence to smile, making the people around you happier too. Read on for everything you might want to know about our best dental care and oral hygiene tips.
Environmentally Friendly Tooth Care
We’re often faced with the lure of various products hoping to stem our worry about environmental impact. As we focus on incorporating preventative measures to improve our health, we’re also worried about chemicals in the products we use and their potential dangers or threats to our health. In considering what product may be safe for ourselves and our environment, it’s worth noting that the Mayo Clinic believes there is insufficient evidence to suggest triclosan, an antibacterial and antifungal ingredient commonly found in consumer products, including toothpaste, soaps and detergents, is overtly dangerous. Most green products for oral care offer a fluoride-free option for [...]