Dental Care How To’s

Dental care isn’t just about visiting your dentist for your regular cleaning. It’s what you do in between times–and in between your teeth! (Little dentist joke there!) As you might guess, we are very strong advocates of regular oral care, and love to teach people–both young and old–how to take better care of their teeth. Did you know that oral care affects your heart health? Plus, when you take care of your teeth, you have greater confidence to smile, making the people around you happier too. Read on for everything you might want to know about our best dental care and oral hygiene tips.

The Lowdown on Cavities and Some Stuff You’ll Just Find Gross

Cavities: What are they Cavities are just like they sound—little caves or holes in the hard surface of your teeth. These are permanently damaged areas of your teeth that won’t get better on their own and if left unrepaired can be extremely painful. Bacteria poop (seriously) The road to cavities begins with plaque. Actually, the road to cavities begins with eating sugary starchy foods. When you eat these types of foods, such as potato chips, soda, or candy and don’t clean your teeth after, a sticky coating is left behind. Bacteria love it when you do this because that sticky [...]

2020-08-26T15:04:52+00:00Tags: |

Why do I have receding gums?

People don’t always realize that they have a problem with receding gums until they’re being told by their dentist or hygienist during an annual dental checkup. Because they are focused on taking care of what they see while brushing our teeth and flossing most people tend to overlook the areas of the mouth that aren’t as visible, such as the gum line below the teeth. As a result, receding gums is an oral health issue that is often missed or ignored. The fact is, receding gums should be taken just as seriously as other oral health problems, because, if left [...]

2018-11-14T15:53:51+00:00Tags: |

Bad Breath: Why You Have It and How You Can Fix It

Bad breath: It’s everyone’s worst nightmare, but it’s (unfortunately) something we’ve all had to deal with at one time or another. For some it’s only temporary, like the kind you get after eating onions or right after you wake up. For others, though, it can be a serious and persistent problem. Officially known as halitosis, chronic bad breath can last for an extended period of time and can actually be a sign of other serious health problems. Whether you suffer from halitosis or just want to know how to prevent it, here’s everything you need to know: What causes bad [...]

2020-08-26T15:05:12+00:00Tags: |

Biggest Dental Fads: Do They Actually Work?

Thirty years ago, oral care meant brushing your teeth twice a day with a manual toothbrush and flossing; today there are a considerable list of dental fads people are turning to to brighten their smiles. From charcoal products that claim to magically whiten teeth to water flossers that bring dentist-level technology to your home. With any new trend, it’s tough to know if you can believe the hype. There can be an even greater uncertainty when it comes to trying new oral health products, because you could be doing more than losing money on something that doesn’t work. You could [...]

2019-09-17T03:06:38+00:00Tags: |

Why and How to Floss with Dr. Adhikari

How to Floss and Why It's Important Our own Dr. Adhikari was recently interviewed on Fox 10 about flossing. Why floss? How to floss the right way? It's all very important, as she explains: Is Flossing a Waste of Time? Dr. Adhikari cautions to read beyond recent headlines claiming flossing your teeth might be a waste of time. It actually has a number of benefits for both your oral and systemic (whole body) health. Because your toothbrush can only reach three out of five surfaces on your teeth, there tends to be more bleeding and inflammation [...]

National Smile Week: 5 Ways You Can Take Care of Your Smile

The second week of August officially marks National Smile Week, which gives us the perfect excuse to talk about your smile! Your smile is important to us in more ways than one. Of course, we want you smiling when you leave our office, feeling genuinely happy you came in for a checkup. We also always want to do our best to keep your smile as healthy as possible. Although we can do a lot to achieve the latter, like regularly cleaning your teeth, providing other needed treatments like crowns and fillings, and care instruction, it’s up to you to maintain [...]

2018-11-14T16:02:54+00:00Tags: , , |

5 Myths About Teeth Brushing

The act of brushing your teeth becomes second nature by the time you're an adult. You'll typically learn at a very early age that it's something you need to do every morning and night to keep your teeth healthy. You're probably so used to the task of teeth brushing by the time you're grown up that it becomes something you really don't actively think about anymore. The problem with this is that you could end up falling into habits you think are fine but aren't actually great for your teeth. In order to avoid these habits and make sure you're [...]

2018-11-14T16:05:43+00:00Tags: |

10 Healthy Snacks for Your Teeth

It's kind of a no-brainer that what we eat has an impact on our oral health. You've probably read and heard about it plenty: too much coffee can stain your teeth, an excessive amount of candy can cause cavities, and starchy foods have a tendency to get trapped between your teeth. While you probably know all about the "bad guys"—the food you should stay away from to keep your mouth healthy—you may not be as familiar with the "good guys." To give you guidance for the next time you're grabbing a bite, here are 10 healthy snacks for your teeth [...]

2018-11-14T16:07:43+00:00Tags: |

Ask Your Family Dental Care Questions! Fact or Fiction?

Dr A. on Fox 10 Morning Show - Feb 21, 2016 Did you know these family dental care facts? We love family dental care Q&A! In honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month, Fox KSAZ-Phoenix hosts Ty Brennan and Anita Roman sit down for a live Q and A with Dr. A. Viewers get their burning questions answered about common dental myths and other topics. How to pull out a child’s baby teeth is a big question on the minds of many parents. Dr. A. explains that they usually fall out on their own, but [...]

You’re grinding your teeth–now what?

It is normal to grind or clench your teeth occasionally. However, it can quickly become a problem when teeth grinding occurs several times a day on a daily basis. This can cause serious damage to your teeth and overall oral health. If you are one of these teeth-grinding individuals you may be wondering—now what? To find relief from teeth grinding, brush up the following steps.   Figure out the root of the problem: Teeth grinding can be caused by many different factors including stress, anxiety and an abnormal bite. Many people who grind their teeth do so when they are [...]

2018-05-17T09:37:49+00:00Tags: |
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