healthy snackIt’s kind of a no-brainer that what we eat has an impact on our oral health. You’ve probably read and heard about it plenty: too much coffee can stain your teeth, an excessive amount of candy can cause cavities, and starchy foods have a tendency to get trapped between your teeth. While you probably know all about the “bad guys”—the food you should stay away from to keep your mouth healthy—you may not be as familiar with the “good guys.” To give you guidance for the next time you’re grabbing a bite, here are 10 healthy snacks for your teeth (and we’ve tried picking tasty ones, too, because we know how tempting the bad guys can be):

  1. Strawberries- While strawberries are high in fiber, they also contain malic acid, which can naturally whiten your teeth.
  2. Apple- Another crunchy snack, apples give your mouth a good workout to help increase saliva production. They’re also high in fiber and water.
  3. Cheese- Great news for cheese lovers: this much-loved food is a good source of calcium, phosphate, and protein. It’s also been shown to balance the pH level in your mouth, which has all kinds of positive effects.  
  4. Carrots- Like celery, carrots act as a natural abrasive to help clean your teeth. In addition, the keratin found in the veggie works to prevent dental decay. Try eating your carrots with hummus to add flavor and make your snack more filling.
  5. Celery- Celery is one of the best healthy snacks for your teeth. The crunchy nature of the veggie helps produce more saliva, which neutralizes bacteria in the mouth, and naturally cleans the teeth and massages the gums. (If just plain celery isn’t tempting enough as a snack, try adding peanut butter.)
  6. Almonds- Almonds are a good healthy snack for your teeth because they’re high in calcium and protein but low in sugar.
  7. Hard-boiled egg- Any form of egg will do, but hard-boiled eggs in particular make for a great snack. The yolk contains vitamin D, which will help your teeth absorb calcium.
  8. Cranberries- The polyphenols in cranberries have been found to prevent bacteria from sticking to your teeth to form cavities. The key here is to stick with fresh cranberries, though, as cranberry juice can be high in sugar.
  9. Yogurt- The same calcium that’s found in cheese to help strengthen enamel is also found in yogurt. A few tips: Look for sugar-free yogurt to keep your teeth extra healthy, and add berries or granola to your snack for extra flavor.
  10. Sugarless Gum- Gum may not be the satisfying snack you’re craving, but it’s a great way to curb your appetite if you don’t have a proper snack readily available. Sugar-free chewing gum keeps the mouth working to boost saliva production, plus it can help improve your breath.

At Artistic Dental we make every effort to educate our patients on oral care. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact our office at (602) 840 – 5400.