Dental Anxiety

How to Deal with Dental Anxiety

While some people view a visit to the dentist as just another item to check off their to-do list, others see it as the last thing they want to do. Unfortunately, dental anxiety is common. In fact, an estimated 75 percent of adults in the U.S. experience some amount of fear when it comes to visiting the dentist. For roughly 10 percent, the fear is strong enough to be considered dentophobia, which can be so debilitating that it keeps people from even stepping foot inside a dentist’s office. Whether your fear is minor or severe, we’re here to help make [...]

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Waterlase vs. Solea Dental Lasers

If you are among the 15% of Americans who report having dental anxiety, then you might have heard about Waterlase and Solea dental lasers. If you have not, then you will be happy to learn that with technology advancing more dentists are utilizing Waterlase and Solea all-tissue dental lasers to treat patients. These dental lasers allow dentists to fill cavities without the need for Novocain (which means no anxiety causing needles) and no pain. This is especially good news for people who are afraid of needles, drills or dental procedures in general. Laser technology is a revolutionary change in dentistry. [...]

The Causes of Dental Anxiety

What are the causes of dental anxiety? That nagging feeling of unease, a certain foreboding, a general distress – whatever you call it, and however you describe it – dental anxiety plagues a number of patients before their respective procedures. It’s certainly not a nice feeling, and it continues to affect around “a third of patients awaiting their regular dental hygiene appointments in a new, if small, study published in BMC Oral Health.” This prevalence has remained relatively constant over the last 50 years, in spite of the advancements we have seen in technology to make the patient experience more comfortable. [...]

Sedation Dentistry 101

Dental anxiety is real, and the truth is it’s quite common to feel uncomfortable. The sounds and smells at the dental office often trigger anxiety. Fortunately, it is manageable, and as dental professionals it is our job to make the patient experience as comfortable as possible.  At Artistic Dental we have stunning, enlarged photographs of famous canyons and national parks on our ceilings to help transport our patients to another place, to ease their fears to help them relax. We have headphones for those that wish to block the noise. We also try to address our patients fears by discussing [...]

Extreme Dental Anxiety

The American Dental Association recommends that you visit the dentist every six months, as it is an essential part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Unfortunately, fear keeps between nine and 20 percent of Americans from seeing their dentist regularly If you put off going to the dentist, find yourself breaking out in a cold sweat when six month check-up rolls around, have trouble sleeping the night before a dental exam, or feel physically ill and uneasy at the thought of going to an appointment, you may be suffering from dental anxiety. It’s important to recognize that most people who [...]

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