Dental Care How To’s

Dental care isn’t just about visiting your dentist for your regular cleaning. It’s what you do in between times–and in between your teeth! (Little dentist joke there!) As you might guess, we are very strong advocates of regular oral care, and love to teach people–both young and old–how to take better care of their teeth. Did you know that oral care affects your heart health? Plus, when you take care of your teeth, you have greater confidence to smile, making the people around you happier too. Read on for everything you might want to know about our best dental care and oral hygiene tips.

Enjoy Your Candy Without Cavities

It’s a common misconception that sugar causes cavities, but that’s only partially true. Cavities are actually caused by plaque, a sticky substance on the teeth that is created by a form of bacteria in the mouth. When you eat sugary foods, plaque turns the sugar into acids that erode the teeth’s enamel. This attack on the teeth can last for up to twenty minutes! If your children aren’t taught the proper ways to prevent these attacks, they can lead to cavities over time. After enjoying all of the Halloween festivities this October your kids are bound to have loads [...]


What is TMJ?

TMJ is the Temporomandibular joint which connects your jaw bone to your skull. There are two identical joints on each side of your head, located in front of the ears. TMJ refers to the actual name of the joint but it is also used to denote any disorders linked with this region of the face.  TMJ disorders are a result of issues with the joint itself, and the surrounding facial muscles. Pinpointing the exact cause of an individual’s TMJ disorder is often difficult to determine. In a lot of cases people with jaw pain tend to grind or clench their [...]


Spring Into Healthy Dental Habits

By: John Dougherty Here in Arizona spring is one of the most beautiful times of year. It’s also a time of change – a season of fresh starts and renewed commitments. At Artistic Dental, we’re encouraging our patients to spring clean their oral hygiene routines, for healthier, happier mouths. Consider some back-to-basics tips to make your smile this year your brightest one yet: 1. Choose the toothbrush that’s right for you If you’ve been using the same toothbrush for as long as you can remember, it might be time to make a change. Is it hard for you to brush your [...]


Dental Red Flags: Four Reasons to See the Dentist Right Now

By John Dougherty If you brush twice a day and floss once a day, you’re ahead of the game. But even those who take good care of their teeth sometimes need to make an extra trip to the dentist. Bi-annual appointments provide important preventative care, but some issues can’t wait for your next cleaning date. Here are four red flag symptoms you should never ignore: Bleeding Gums - Bleeding gums can result from brushing too hard or from taking a long break from flossing and then starting again. However, they can also be an early sign of gum disease. If [...]


Dental sealants prevent tooth decay

Just in case you missed this month's Raising Arizona Kids Magazine article. Our very own Dr. Dougherty gives his expert advice on sealants. Think of it as a protective nail polish for the teeth. Dental sealants were developed in the 1950s by researchers at the University of Rochester’s Eastman Dental School. Their efforts were part of the attempt to prevent tooth decay from causing cavities. Unlike today, dentistry at that time wasn’t always viewed by the public as a preventative care vocation. Many people payed a visit to the dentist as a last resort when they could no longer stand [...]


Help your kids kick bad dental habits, for healthier teeth

February is National Children's Dental Health Month – a good time to focus on teaching kids how to take good care of their teeth. Start by helping your children avoid the four most common bad oral habits. If your kids have already picked up some of these bad habits, don't fret! 1. Baby Bottle Tooth Decay The challenge: Babies are in constant contact with sugar, found in milk or formula. Mouth bacteria feeds on sugar and causes tooth decay. How to prevent it: Don't give your baby a bottle to calm them down when they're cranky. Instead, offer them a [...]


Give your New Year’s resolutions teeth: How to stick to your new goals

We are 10 days into the new year, and that means more than 25 percent of folks have already broken their New Year's resolutions. Get this – only 8 percent of people who set new goals on January 1 will achieve them. But don’t let that dissuade you from setting new goals. We did a little research to help you keep your resolutions this year. In a recent USA Today article, John Norcross, a psychology professor at Scranton University recommended the following: Set SMART goals That stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-specific. Let's say your resolution is to [...]


Maximize care, minimize costs

With all the recent talk of The Affordable Healthcare Act and changes to insurance, the American public may be a little less spirited during the upcoming holidays, when trying to understand and navigate the new healthcare plans for 2014. Fortunately, we are a resilient bunch that will lose ourselves in family gatherings and office parties soon enough. Before year-end, it is wise to check your current insurance plan and flexible spending accounts to see what remaining benefits you still have available to use; and to make sure you get a clean bill of health. It may give you a little [...]


Dental myths exposed: Maintaining oral hygiene and a healthy smile

We read and hear about dental care tips from a variety of sources, but how can do we know what is fact and what is fiction? To help dispel some of the myths and offer some clarity on what you really should or should not do when it comes to taking care of your pearly whites and maintain your overall oral health, here is some expert advice. DO Believe that “baby” or deciduous teeth act as space maintainers and guide for the eruption of baby teeth Understand that large doses of fluoride, iodine, water and pure [...]


The Benefits of Brushing and Other Things That Will Make You Smile

If a beautiful smile and minty-fresh breath are not incentive enough to get you brushing and flossing daily, consider a few eye-opening facts. We know we don't need to tell you that good oral hygiene wards off harmful bacteria and microbes that may cause tooth decay, bleeding gums and oral infections. But you may not realize: 80 percent of the U.S. population has some form of gum disease.** 78 percent of Americans have had at least one cavity by age 17.** Good oral hygiene can reduce risk factors relating to diabetes, cancer and heart disease.*** Gum disease and dental [...]

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