By John Dougherty

If you brush twice a day and floss once a day, you’re ahead of the game. But even those who take good care of their teeth sometimes need to make an extra trip to the dentist. Bi-annual appointments provide important preventative care, but some issues can’t wait for your next cleaning date.

Here are four red flag symptoms you should never ignore:

  1. Bleeding Gums – Bleeding gums can result from brushing too hard or from taking a long break from flossing and then starting again. However, they can also be an early sign of gum disease. If bleeding or discomfort is extreme or continues after you’ve been brushing and flossing regularly for two weeks, call the office immediately. If your leg was bleeding, you’d go see a doctor, right? If your gums are bleeding, come see us.
  2. Sensitive Teeth and Toothaches – Tooth pain is often indicative of decay and should be treated immediately, before it gets worse. If you experience pain when drinking hot or cold beverages, you probably have sensitive teeth. This discomfort could be the result of gum disease, worn tooth enamel, tooth decay or worn fillings. Schedule an appointment so we can treat your pain and address any underlying health issues.
  3. Mouth Sores – Mouth sores such as canker sores or cold sores can be treated with over the counter products, but there are other sores that need direct medical attention. If a sore lasts longer than a week, call the office to schedule an appointment.
  4. Chronic Bad Breath – Temporary bad breath often comes from tobacco-use or what you eat and drink. (Coffee, anyone?) In these cases, dental attention is not necessary. However, if you have persistent bad breath that doesn’t go away when you brush and floss, it could be an early sign of gum disease.