how to whiten your teethEveryday living can take its toll on your teeth whitening efforts. What you eat and drink can especially be a factor that causes yellowing and discoloration. To restore your pearly whites, many people turn to teeth whitening products and treatments to achieve a bright white smile. There are a variety of teeth whitening methods available. But, are all these products safe for your teeth? If you want a whiter smile—the safe way—brush up on these four facts you need to know about teeth whitening:

1. Not all teeth whiten equally

It is important to know that teeth will respond differently to whitening products. Most people’s teeth whiten after going through a bleaching treatment. This basic treatment removes everyday wear and tear including coffee stains, smoking stains and wine stains.

However, bleaching treatments do not work for everyone. Some patients with crowns, veneers, gum sensitivity or tooth sensitivity may not see the same whitening results. If you have any of those issues, you may want to talk with your dentist before doing a whitening treatments on your own. You can learn what to expect and get a better idea of the outcome before you try to whiten your teeth.

2. Tooth sensitivity after teeth whitening is normal

It is completely normal to feel some tooth sensitivity following a whitening treatment. This sensitivity usually results from the peroxide-based bleaching agents. If your teeth are sensitive after a treatment, you may have strong reactions to hot and cold drinks, sugary food or hard tooth brushing. The level of your tooth sensitivity can be from the teeth whitening technique, the quality of the bleaching product or your teeth’s natural response to teeth whitening. To find relief, follow these tips:

  • Do not whiten teeth for an extended period of time
  • Brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled brush (run under hot water for extra softness)
  • Avoid hot and cold food and drink a day or two after whitening
  • Use a tooth sensitive based toothpaste

3.Purchase products from trusted sources

To learn which teeth whitening products are safe, it is best to speak with your dentist. Another valuable resource is the ADA—American Dentist Association—seal of approval. While it is tempting to save some cash by going through unverified websites or using products that have not been approved by the ADA, you may compromise your health in the process.

4. If in doubt of in-home treatments, go to your dentist

Nervous about doing an at-home teeth whitening treatments? You’re not alone. Many people go to their dentist to remove yellowing on their teeth. Although at-home whiteners are easy to use and relatively inexpensive, custom made trays from your dentist may help you avoid irritation. The solutions used for teeth whitening at your dentist may also be stronger than over-the-counter products, so your teeth may be whitened quicker.

To find out what teeth whitening product and procedure is best for you, or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Artistic Dental at 602.840.5400 or email .