
teeth brushing

How to Teach Your Children to Brush Their Teeth

Teaching your children how to take care of their teeth is integral to instilling good oral hygiene habits. Starting at a young age and setting the right example will help your child develop healthy brushing habits that will continue into adulthood. If you don’t teach your kids the value of brushing their teeth, they will likely neglect it. Unfortunately, this leads to cavities and other oral health problems, which means pain, discomfort, and expensive trips to the dentist. It’s never too early to start teaching your children how to brush their teeth. Whether your baby just got their first tooth [...]

5 Myths About Teeth Brushing

The act of brushing your teeth becomes second nature by the time you're an adult. You'll typically learn at a very early age that it's something you need to do every morning and night to keep your teeth healthy. You're probably so used to the task of teeth brushing by the time you're grown up that it becomes something you really don't actively think about anymore. The problem with this is that you could end up falling into habits you think are fine but aren't actually great for your teeth. In order to avoid these habits and make sure you're [...]

2018-11-14T16:05:43+00:00Tags: |

Why it’s important to teach childrens dental care

February is National Childrens Dental Health Month It's an important time to focus on and teach your child the necessity of good oral hygiene and childrens dental care. Maintaining a healthy mouth is vital for all ages, but is especially essential for youngsters when their mouth is vulnerable and adult teeth are coming in. In fact, more than half of children will be affected by tooth decay before the age of five, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Poor oral hygiene can also lead to future health issues and costly bills, something that can be difficult to explain [...]

Childrens Dental Care Starts Now: How to teach oral hygiene

Teaching healthy habits is much more about what we do than what we say. Children will closely observe their parents’ behavior and other important adults in their lives as they learn and form their own behaviors and habits. In other words, it is important that parents practice what they preach when it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene. It can be difficult for children to understand the importance of taking good care of their teeth and gums and how it can impact their overall health. Fortunately, there are ways to engage kids using age appropriate activities to help them understand [...]

Which Cleans Better: A Manual or Electric Toothbrush?

If you’re in the market for a new toothbrush you may be asking yourself if it’s better to stick with an old-fashioned manual toothbrush or if it’s time to upgrade to an electric one. The American Dental Association states that you can effectively clean your teeth with either, so long as you are using the correct technique. This means the decision really comes down to personal preference. Before deciding between an electric or manual toothbrush, here are some things to consider: Electric toothbrushes can be easier for people who have arthritis or other difficulties moving the brush across their teeth. [...]

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