
What You Need to Know About Gum Disease

Have you ever wondered why dentists are so keen on brushing and flossing twice each day? The answer is to get rid of plaque. Plaque is a sticky, colorless substance that is continually growing on and surrounding your teeth.  If not removed, the bacteria in plaque will start to infect the teeth, gums, and eventually the gum tissue and bone supporting the teeth. When it comes to your oral health, the best cure is prevention, so it’s important to understand the risks and symptoms. While the main cause of gum disease is plaque, there are some other risk factors that affect [...]

Effects of Sugary Soda on Teeth

Have you ever stopped to study the label of a soda bottle to find out how much sugar the product contains? In reality, most people don’t. The scary thing is that sugar is not only contributing to cavities; according to a 2009 medical study the consumption of sugary sweetened soda may be the single largest driver of the obesity epidemic. Artistic Dental's objective is to educate our patients so that they have the knowledge to make better choices that positively impacts their oral and overall health. Cavities are caused by plaque; a sticky substance on the teeth that is formed [...]

The Perils of Plaque

What is Plaque When food and saliva combine in the mouth they create a soft deposit called plaque, a sticky, colorless film that is constantly coating the teeth. Plaque contains millions of bacteria, and when you consume foods and drinks that have sugars and starches the bacteria uses it to create acids that attack the enamel surrounding the teeth. Because plaque is so sticky, these acids can stay on the teeth for long periods of time if you do not floss and brush frequently. Over time, allowing plaque to build up on the teeth can lead to tooth decay [...]

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