manual toothbrush

Environmentally Friendly Tooth Care

We’re often faced with the lure of various products hoping to stem our worry about environmental impact. As we focus on incorporating preventative measures to improve our health, we’re also worried about chemicals in the products we use and their potential dangers or threats to our health. In considering what product may be safe for ourselves and our environment, it’s worth noting that the Mayo Clinic believes there is insufficient evidence to suggest triclosan, an antibacterial and antifungal ingredient commonly found in consumer products, including toothpaste, soaps and detergents, is overtly dangerous. Most green products for oral care offer a fluoride-free option for [...]

Which Cleans Better: A Manual or Electric Toothbrush?

If you’re in the market for a new toothbrush you may be asking yourself if it’s better to stick with an old-fashioned manual toothbrush or if it’s time to upgrade to an electric one. The American Dental Association states that you can effectively clean your teeth with either, so long as you are using the correct technique. This means the decision really comes down to personal preference. Before deciding between an electric or manual toothbrush, here are some things to consider: Electric toothbrushes can be easier for people who have arthritis or other difficulties moving the brush across their teeth. [...]

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