Laser Dentistry

Waterlase vs. Solea Dental Lasers

If you are among the 15% of Americans who report having dental anxiety, then you might have heard about Waterlase and Solea dental lasers. If you have not, then you will be happy to learn that with technology advancing more dentists are utilizing Waterlase and Solea all-tissue dental lasers to treat patients. These dental lasers allow dentists to fill cavities without the need for Novocain (which means no anxiety causing needles) and no pain. This is especially good news for people who are afraid of needles, drills or dental procedures in general. Laser technology is a revolutionary change in dentistry. [...]

How laser dentistry relieves dental anxiety

Dental anxiety is not a phenomenon, this phobia is very real. It is estimated that somewhere between 20 and 75 percent are fearful of the dentist  and roughly 9 -15 percent of Americans avoid going to the dentist because of fear and anxiety. Fortunately, there are significant advances in modern dentistry and the development of new technologies that are helping to alleviate that fear and anxiety. One of the biggest innovations is laser dentistry. Most are familiar with laser technology and its uses in medical aesthetics, but many are not familiar with its new role in dental care. It [...]

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