
The Lowdown on Cavities and Some Stuff You’ll Just Find Gross

Cavities: What are they Cavities are just like they sound—little caves or holes in the hard surface of your teeth. These are permanently damaged areas of your teeth that won’t get better on their own and if left unrepaired can be extremely painful. Bacteria poop (seriously) The road to cavities begins with plaque. Actually, the road to cavities begins with eating sugary starchy foods. When you eat these types of foods, such as potato chips, soda, or candy and don’t clean your teeth after, a sticky coating is left behind. Bacteria love it when you do this because that sticky [...]

2020-08-26T15:04:52+00:00Tags: |

Halloween Candy and Artistic Dental’s Dr A on Fox 10 Arizona Morning

How to have an enjoyable, not 'spooky', trip to the dentist this Halloween! For many people, the best thing about Halloween is the delicious candy, and it’s hard to resist digging into these treats. But there’s a downside: consuming too many can lead to extra trips to the dentist when cavities and tooth decay result. Artistic Dental’s Dr. Adhikari chats with Fox morning show hosts Ty Brennan and Anita Roman about important “dos and don’ts” for Halloween candy, so you can minimize the harm it causes to your teeth and still enjoy this yearly indulgence. You’ll find [...]

Do Raisins Cause Cavities?

As we say goodbye to another holiday season filled with rich meals and goodies, and get back to eating more regularly, it’s a good time to consider the foods that are good and bad for our teeth. One of the most heavily contested of these foods is raisins, a staple snack for many children. But do raisins cause cavities? In the past, it was fairly simple to categorize the types of foods that would be most likely to promote cavities – those that are especially sticky, and those rich in sugar. Raisins hit both of these classifications, and as such [...]

Effects of Sugary Soda on Teeth

Have you ever stopped to study the label of a soda bottle to find out how much sugar the product contains? In reality, most people don’t. The scary thing is that sugar is not only contributing to cavities; according to a 2009 medical study the consumption of sugary sweetened soda may be the single largest driver of the obesity epidemic. Artistic Dental's objective is to educate our patients so that they have the knowledge to make better choices that positively impacts their oral and overall health. Cavities are caused by plaque; a sticky substance on the teeth that is formed [...]

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