Traditional Metal Braces: What You Need to Knowmetal braces

Traditional metal braces are the most common type used today, and have come a long way from the ones that were used many years ago. Made of high-grade metal, modern braces are much smaller, lighter, and more subtle-looking compared to older styles. These are often the best choice for the correction of extreme overcrowding of the teeth, and as a bonus, they are typically less expensive than other options.

Composition of Traditional Metal Braces

They are most commonly made of stainless steel. However, patients with an allergy to the nickel component of steel can be fitted with titanium braces instead. Titanium ones are a bit lighter, but cost more.

A metal bracket will be “glued” onto each tooth using a special type of cement that’s been formulated specifically for dental use. Tiny wires will connect each brace — these wires are connected to the bracket by miniature elastics called ligatures (also known as o-rings). The elastics are sometimes available in different colors, allowing you to have some fun with the look of your smile.

How They Work

The tiny wires connecting the braces put pressure on the teeth to move them slowly over time. The teeth will initially become a bit loose, then the supporting bone will gradually grow in to firmly support them in their new position. At each visit, your dentist will assess the progress being made, and will adjust the wires connecting each brace when needed. The length of time you’ll need to wear braces will vary depending on how much adjustment of your teeth is required – some people require them for as little as a few months, but more commonly, they are worn for a few years.

Ask us if traditional braces are right for you

Contact us to make an appointment to discuss whether or not you would benefit from having these, and get all your questions answered.