best teeth whiteningLooking for the best teeth whitening tips?

We are experts on the best teeth whitening advice. Everyone wants a whiter smile but buyer beware of the various home remedies and tips. There are many sources that promise one product or another may give you a whiter smile but most either don’t really work or they can damage to your teeth. Fortunately, there are a variety of safe and effective products you can use to make your smile brighter. Read on if you want to learn how to whiten teeth successfully, without causing any harm to your teeth or your health.

Why and how to whiten teeth:

Studies show that a smile is the most attractive quality in a person. It’s not surprising to learn that people are willing to do whatever it takes to have a whiter more attractive smile.

There are many factors that can lead to stains or yellowing of teeth. Daily coffee and tea drinkers, and red wine lovers may find it hard to shake their habits, but there are some things you can do to minimize the dental damage. Although breaking these habits is the best path to a brighter smile, here are some tips that can help:

  • Try drinking your morning or afternoon coffee or tea with a straw. It may seem strange with a warm beverage; if so, start with a cold brew and iced tea first.
  • Rinse with water or brush after drinking coffee, tea or darker juice.
  • Have slice of cheese with that nice glass of red wine. Studies have shown that eating cheese while drinking wine creates a barrier that can stop or reduce teeth staining.
  • Keep a pack of gum handy. Chewing gum after eating and drinking foods and beverages that can cause discoloration will help remove or keep the residual from sticking to the teeth.

Teeth whitening myths

You will find sources that will tell you to try home remedies for how to whiten teeth. However, many of these remedies are not helpful and could be doing even more damage to your oral health.

One of the most popular solutions is brushing with a mix of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Many sources claim that brushing with these two are effective in whitening your teeth. However, if you read on, there are also many sources that will tell you it can damage your enamel which is irreversible. Our dentists and hygienists at Artistic Dental do not recommend using hydrogen peroxide on your teeth at home, as it is carcinogenic and can be unhealthy or dangerous if you ingest it. Baking soda is not harmful to your health, but it only acts as a polish and does not really whiten. Before using any products, always check with your dentist first.

Professional Whitening Gel vs At-Home Whitening Gel

A common misconception is that professional whitening gel and at home whitening gel are the same and produce the same results. However, professional whitening gel is stronger than at home gels. This leads people to believe another myth: the strongest whitening gel is the best. By using a moderate strength gel over a longer period, results will last longer and will not hurt your teeth or gums. Professionals will use the correct gel for your teeth to achieve your desired result.

It is important to note that whitening children’s teeth can be damaging to the live tissue inside their teeth. Only in rare cases can or should children’s teeth be whitened, and this should only be done under a dentist’s supervision.

Your smile is one of the first things others notice about you. To keep it healthy and white, the best thing you can do is incorporate healthy habits and commit to regular oral care. Before using any products or treatments, do your research and consult your doctor or dentist to make sure there are no adverse effects on your health and wellbeing.

At Artistic Dental we are committed to educating our patients to help them maintain and protect their dental health. For more information visit our blog. For those seeking intrinsic whitening, we recommend speaking to your hygienist, Dr. Daugherty or Dr. Adhikari to learn more about using custom whitening trays. To make an appointment visit our website or call 602.840.5400