Teeth whitening is not just about the aesthetics. Having a brighter, whiter smile can do wonders for self-confidence, and mental well being is shown to have a positive impact on physical health. Teeth whitening can also help turn back the years, especially for caffeine lovers and cigarette smokers. While there are a variety of over the counter products that can be used (such as whitening toothpastes, bleaching agents and strips), whitening treatments carried out under the supervision of a dental professional will ensure optimum results and safety.

Artistic Dental offers its patients technologically advanced techniques in teeth whitening to help achieve a brighter smile. These techniques will lighten the color of your teeth, regardless of what stained them in the first place. There are a number of treatments that patients can choose from to get that sparkling smile, but we highly recommend dentist-managed teeth bleaching trays for best results.

What are Dentist-Managed Teeth Bleaching Trays?

One of the safest and most effective ways to see great results in a matter of days is through dentist managed teeth bleaching trays. The process for this treatment will begin at the dentist’s office and you will continue the care from home. First, the doctor will begin by taking a mold of your mouth. They will then create the trays from these impressions. The trays are an exact replica of your teeth so the whitening agent is spread evenly when the trays are inserted into the mouth. These products are designed for daily use and each treatment takes approximately an hour. After the first five days you will see visible results, but bleaching will only lighten your natural teeth, not fillings. We are big fans of the Opalescence To-Go Whitening Kit, a little goes a long way! If you experience any sensitivity from this method please report it to your dentist. We are committed to helping our patients achieve outstanding results. Contact our office if you have any questions about teeth whitening or to schedule an appointment with our doctors to assess if you’re a good candidate for treatment.