September marks the arrival of “More Matters Month,” a campaign introduced by the Produce for Better Health Foundation – and an opportunity for you and your loved ones to embrace a healthier diet.
Produce for Better Health Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is encourage people to eat more fruits and vegetables and improve overall health.

Did you know that only one in seven adults eats the recommended amount of fruits every day? That ratio is even worse when it comes to vegetables – just one in ten adults eats the suggested daily amount. Most people know that eating fruits and vegetables is important for good health, but most of us still aren’t getting enough. More fruits and veggies amount to a great number of health benefits – including a decreased risk for type two diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

Eating a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits can also help you:

  • Lower your risk for heart disease and some types of cancer
  • Maintain or reach a healthy weight
  • Keep your body strong and active

So, now that you are reminded of the many benefits, let us help you  begin to learn  to incorporate them into your daily diet.

Here are some ideas to help you and your family consume more fruits and vegetables as part of your meals and snacks:

  • Keep a bowl of fruit handy where the whole family can see it.
  • Cut up fruits and veggies ahead of time so they’re ready for quick, healthy snacks.
  • Challenge your family to try a new veggie or fruit every week. Remember, eating more fruits and veggies can be fun – and it’s worth it!

One of the best things about adopting a diet that includes more fruits and vegetables is the variety of fresh produce you have to choose from, and they can be prepared in so many different ways! While fresh and in season is always best, you also have options with canned, frozen, or dried fruit and vegetables. The range of choices offers plenty of ways to eat healthier and to discover what you like best.

However you choose to celebrate More Matters Month, know that Artistic Dental encourages healthy munching, as it helps build happy, healthier teeth and gums!