weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s may be the “most wonderful time of
the year”, but parties and time off work don’t mean you can take a holiday from
oral hygiene. Follow these simple tips to keep your smile bright and to reduce
the risk of a dental emergency during the holiday season.



your sweets:
and cookies and cupcakes, oh my. Everyone has a favorite sweet to eat during
the holidays, and nobody is suggesting you give them up completely. The trick
is to be smart about when you have them. Rather than grazing on sugary treats
that will sit on your teeth throughout the day, pick a time to indulge, and
then plan to brush your teeth shortly afterwards.



Be aware
of your beverage choices:
Holiday desserts aren’t the only culprit when it comes
to added sugar. Drinks like hot apple cider and eggnog can have tablespoons of
sugar per serving, and red wine can stain your teeth. Make sure to rinse your
mouth by drinking a glass of water after each sugary beverage, and brush as
soon as you can.



Keep up
your oral hygiene:
and flossing regularly becomes even more important when you’re regularly
enjoying sweets and treats, but crazy holiday schedules can often be a cause
for missed daily brushing. Consider carrying a travel toothbrush and floss in
your purse or car so you can keep your mouth clean, no matter where your
celebrations may take you.



holidays can be a stressful time. Buying gifts, coordinating family schedules
and planning parties can lead to tension that can cause headaches, jaw pain and
even teeth grinding. Plan if possible, find ways to delegate tasks and
incorporate activities like yoga into your routine to help reduce stress. If
you are grinding your teeth, talk to your dentist about a night guard to
prevent permanent damage.



Who says
stockings need to be filled with candy and chocolate? Add in fruit and
sugar-free gum as healthier options, and consider a new toothbrush or fun
flavored mouthwash for kids as well. An electric toothbrush also makes a great
gift for adults and older children, because they are beneficial, everybody can
use one, and you don’t have to worry about whether they will fit.



your dentist:
insurance plans renew for the year on January 1st, so be sure to book
appointments before year-end for any cleanings or procedures you need to take
full advantage of your annual benefits.



never too early to think about your appointments for the coming year as well.
Call Artistic Dental to schedule your next visit today!