dental proceduresMany patients are intimidated and overwhelmed when visiting their dentist for dental procedures. However, by brushing up on your knowledge of common dental treatments and their uses, you can help alleviate any dental phobia you may have. Here is what you should know about the most common preventative dental procedures and basic treatments:

Preventative dental procedures

  • Regular dental examinations: During dental examinations, your dentist or hygienist will examine your teeth for irregularities and look for anything that could become a problem down the road. They will evaluate the your overall oral health and hygiene and check for the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.  On a regular check-up the hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth and take x-rays annually. The, dentists uses basic dental instruments such as probes, tweezers, and air-water syringes. These sharp-looking tools may look frightening to the uninformed eye, but don’t let them fool you. They are just used to check the surfaces of your teeth to help identify areas of decay.
  • Taking a closer look with dental X-rays: Dental examinations allow the dentist to see the general condition of the teeth and gums, while x-rays provide a more detailed image of the mouth. Different dental x-rays available are bitewing, periapical, occlusal, panoramic, and cone beam computerized tomography. The most common x-ray is the bitewing, where the patient bites down on the x-ray film holder while the images are being taken. X-rays typically are not needed at every dental examination but are done periodically to examine for any changes.
  • Dental cleanings: According to the Academy of General Dentistry, a professional dental cleaning  should be done every six months.  During a cleaning the hygienist will remove plaque and stains , apply fluoride , polish and floss the teeth, and apply sealants for children. If you are practicing good oral hygiene habits at home, teeth cleanings should not cause any discomfort.

Basic dental procedures

  • Dental fillings: A filling is used when a tooth has been damaged by decay. When receiving a filling, the dentist removes the patient’s decayed tooth material, cleans the area, and fills the opening with filling material. Most fillings require a numbing process, and the dentist will inject anesthetic to eliminate any possibility of discomfort during the fillings process. Although one may say they do not enjoy the dental procedure of getting a filling, it certainly beats the pain that will come down the road if not acting on the cavity. Not receiving a filling can lead to severe mouth pain and sensitivity. Recovery for receiving a filling is quick and the patient must abstain from eating for a few hours after the procedure.
  • Dental crowns: Dental crowns are permanent and prosthetic devices used to strengthen a damaged tooth. A crown is a tooth “cap” that helps the appearance and structure of a damaged tooth. To receive a crown, the patient must make two doctor’s visits. The first appointment in the crown process is an examination of the tooth to ensure that the patient’s tooth is strong enough to receive a crown. The dentist will then make an impression of the tooth and place a temporary crown until the dental procedure. Once the patient’s customized crown is ready for the installation, the patient will receive their permanent crown. It may take a few days for the patient to get adjusted to the crown, but over time the crown will strengthen the structure of the damaged tooth to prevent further issues in the future.
  • Dental bridges: A dental bridge is used to restore a natural smile while spanning the area of the mouth where the patient may have teeth missing. Similar to a dental crown, the dental bridge is completed over multiple dentist visits. The patient will need an impression of the tooth for their customized bridge. Until the installation of the final bridge, the patient will receive a temporary bridge. Once fully installed, the bridge does not need to be replaced for several years after the dental procedure. The long-term benefits of receiving a bridge include prevent the shifting of teeth and possibly a bad bite.
  • Dental root canals: Root canal treatments are a type of endodontic treatment. This involves the deep part of the tooth, where the soft tissue inside the root canal of the tooth is inflamed or infected. Untreated, the inflammation or infection could cause severe pain. To avoid this, the patient must receive a root canal. During this dental procedure, the dentist will examine x-rays of the tooth and provide the patient with an anesthetic to ensure the procedure is painless. Using small instruments, the dentist will clean the pulp of the patient’s tooth and prepare it for filling. Following the filling, the patient will need a crown or restoration of some sort to protect the tooth. For a few days after the procedure, the tooth or the area around the tooth may be sensitive. If the sensitivity does not go away, consult with your dentist.

At Artistic Dental Dr. Dougherty and Dr. Adhikari along with our hygienists are available to answer any questions. If you feel anxious about a dental procedure, let them know and they will do what they can to put you at ease. Educating yourself on basic dental procedures and talking with your dentist can help you become more comfortable at your dental visits.

Also, remember that the better your oral hygiene is, the better your dental check-ups will be!