Dental Care How To’s

Dental care isn’t just about visiting your dentist for your regular cleaning. It’s what you do in between times–and in between your teeth! (Little dentist joke there!) As you might guess, we are very strong advocates of regular oral care, and love to teach people–both young and old–how to take better care of their teeth. Did you know that oral care affects your heart health? Plus, when you take care of your teeth, you have greater confidence to smile, making the people around you happier too. Read on for everything you might want to know about our best dental care and oral hygiene tips.

How Sleep Apnea Affects Oral Health

Did you know that apnea affects oral health? In the United States, 22 million people are affected by sleep apnea—and that’s only the number of those diagnosed. Sleep apnea, which is a disorder that causes people to experience interruptions in normal breathing while they sleep, is a very dangerous disorder. Since it causes a person to momentarily stop breathing, it can be potentially life threatening. Not only that, but sleep apnea is surprisingly harmful to a person’s oral health. Types of Sleep Apnea Before going into more detail on apnea affects oral health, it’s important to understand the different types [...]


Managing and Preventing Toothaches

Dental pain is one of the worst pains to endure. It feels neverending and there aren’t very many great remedies to lessen the pain from home. Preventing toothaches is much preferable. Did you know that the primary cause of a toothache is tooth decay? However, toothaches can emerge due to gum disease, inflammation of the innermost layer of your tooth (the pulp), injury from a trauma (such as a sports injury), sinus infections, dental abscesses, and more. If you’re dealing with impacted teeth, you will also experience a toothache even though you might not be able to see the problem. [...]


What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Are you wondering what causes sensitive teeth? Have you ever bit into something cold or taken a sip of something hot and felt a surge of pain course through your teeth? If so, you’ve experienced teeth sensitivity and know how debilitating it can be. While it can be frightening, you’re not alone. Many people in the United States deal with teeth sensitivity on a regular basis, both children and adults alike. The reason that people experience this is because of the general anatomy of a tooth. Your tooth and your crown, which is the area of the tooth that’s above [...]


Protect Your Teeth This Cold and Flu Season

Cold and flu season can be brutal and getting sick is never fun. Not only do you feel miserable, you’ll probably stress yourself out thinking about all the things you have to do but can’t find the energy for. With your mind racing, the last thing you’ll want to think about is how your dental health is holding up. However, you need to make sure you’re taking the proper precautions to protect your teeth, especially when you’re sick. Your teeth become even more vulnerable if you catch a cold or the flu, so make sure you’re prepared to protect [...]


Sports Mouth Guards and Tips on How to Clean Mouth Guard

How to Clean Mouth Guard and Other Sports Tips You know it is important to have a sports mouth guard, but do you know the best way to care for it? Would you like tips on how to clean mouth guard? Dr. D was recently interviewed on the care and cleaning of sports mouth guards--check out this video for more tips: How to Care for Your Sports Mouth Guard During normal use, mouth guards easily become contaminated with germs, including mold, bacteria, strep, and staph. Here are some simple tips to care for your mouth guard [...]

2019-12-13T00:39:02+00:00Tags: , , , |

Know the Risks: Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Approximately 47,750 people will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year in the U.S. An estimated 7,500 people will die of these cancers. Fortunately, the death rate has decreased in the last 30 years. However, the scope of the problem is increasing, with new cases exceeding 450,000 worldwide annually. As April is oral cancer awareness month we would like to highlight the importance of getting screened. Also, we would like to examine the risk factors associated with this type of cancer. Some people have fewer risks than others, but may still develop oral cancer, therefore it is important to schedule [...]

Is mouthwash even good for you?

There are a lot of things we have grown up hearing are good for our teeth and mouth, that we take for granted are actually good for us. One of those things is mouthwash. Commercials and advertisements have long promoted mouthwash as the treatment for bad breath, a way to prevent cavities, prevent gum disease and more. So today let’s tackle the question: Is mouthwash  good for you?   Yes, no, maybe   The answer is yes and no. There are mouthwashes that are good for your oral health and products that can potentially do harm. Before you load up [...]

What is the treatment for bleeding gums?

Unless you just got punched in the mouth, bleeding gums are usually a sign of gum disease. So, in most cases, the treatment for bleeding gums, means treating what is probably early stage gum disease, or gingivitis.  These few steps will make any mouth healthier, but more importantly, they will vastly improve you bleeding gums within two weeks. If you don’t see improvement in that time, you may have a different health issue and it’s time to see a doctor.  Either way, with these five steps, you will know.   Brush and floss (no shortcuts)   We know you get [...]

2020-08-26T15:04:21+00:00Tags: |

New Year, new habits to power up your smile!

Your smile should light up the room! To make it possible, start the new year saying, “Out with those old, smile dimming habits, and in with some new smile sparkling routines.”  To make it happen, we have put together a list of habits to break and habits to make 2019,  the year of your best smile. Replace your toothbrush! The ADA says you should replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months (Do you even remember when you last replaced yours? Time yourself! For the healthiest smile, dentists recommend time brushing your chompers two full minutes. Make it easy, use [...]

2020-08-26T15:04:31+00:00Tags: , , |

5 Health Problems Linked to Poor Oral Health

People often don’t realize just how much their oral health can dictate the health of the rest of their body. Oral health—the health of the gums, teeth, and mouth in general— has been linked to a number of medical conditions. This is because the mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body. If bacteria builds up and forms plaque on and in between the teeth, it can eventually lead to a serious gum infection/disease called periodontitis. This infection could spread to other parts of the body or cause inflammation that could contribute to other medical conditions. In other [...]

2020-08-26T15:04:41+00:00Tags: |
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